A downloadable asset pack

I fell asleep watching the Matrix and woke up with the inspiration to write a shader for Unity.  It randomly picks symbols from a sprites sheet and prints them in descending columns randomly that slowly fade.

Free to use! Just credit me if you bundle it with something else.


Requires Unity version 2019.4.31f1 or newer.


A unitypackage with the shader and a material and texture for some Matrx-inspired scrolling symbols. Also includes the texture and material an orange scifi alien-text version.

The package was exported using an older unity version (2019.4.31f1) and should load fine on newer versions, too. I have only tested  the 2022 version VRChat uses (2022.3.6f1) to confirm it works there.

Technical note: This current version uses the RGB channels of the vertex color stream to modify seed values.  This to keep particles using it from all being visually identical.

It will probably do weird things if applied to meshes with vertex colors painted on.

The alpha channel functions normally for fading in/out particle effects.


CyberpunkSymbolsShaderV1.0.unitypackage 210 kB

Install instructions

Requires Unity version 2019.4.31f1 or newer.

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